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Human Machine Interface (HMI) Wonderware

Wonderware – Powering the Industrial World

Wonderware is the market leader in real-time operations management software. Wonderware software solutions enable companies to synchronize production and industrial operations with business objectives, obtaining the speed and flexibility to attain sustainable profitability.
Wonderware delivers significant cost reductions associated with designing, building, deploying, and maintaining secure and standardized applications for manufacturing and infrastructure operations.


The InTouch training course is a 4-day, instructor-led class that explains how to create and configure a Modern InTouch application. The course provides a fundamental understanding of the Wonderware visualization module and explains how to develop a Human Machine Interface (HMI) system for your specific plant floor. You are guided through setup, layout, best practice concepts, features, and functions of the InTouch software platform. Hands-on labs reinforce concepts and features.



Knowledge of the following tools, features, and technologies is required:

  • Microsoft Excel for exporting, modifying, and importing tags with a .csv file



Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create a Modern InTouch Application
  • Build an HMI with Situational Awareness symbols
  • Construct a Key Performance Indicator display
  • Configure an OI Server
  • Establish communications with I/O-aware programs
  • Create, export, and import tags
  • Test and monitor tags
  • Build a custom symbol
  • Visualize and interact with data
  • Configure InTouch alarms
  • Present and manage live and historical alarms
  • Configure security
  • Historize and trend data
  • Display real-time data
  • Back up and restore an InTouch application
  • Distribute an application to the production environment
  • View ArchestrA graphics in a browser using Web Client

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