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Control engineers usually get jobs in technical managing where they typically lead interdisciplinary projects. There are many job opportunities in aerospace companies, manufacturing companies, automobile companies, power companies, and government agencies.

We’ve determined that 52.0% of controls engineers have a bachelor’s degree. In terms of higher education levels, we found that 27.2% of controls engineers have master’s degrees. Even though most controls engineers have a college degree, it’s possible to become one with only a high school degree after intensive training in the field.

Instrument engineers manage, design, and install the machines or control systems used in highly technical fields. … Many industrial and manufacturing plants use instrumentation systems to monitor their facilities.

Project Control Engineers coordinate all work on the project, ensuring that objectives are met within budget. They conduct site visits to verify progress and identify any potential and critical issues. They then work with the teams to recommend recovery plans, and update the schedule and budget accordingly.

Automation has good scope and best career choice. … Even though automation will resolve complex issues, it cannot replace human intelligence and human being. As the demand get increased day by day, automation of minimal task will help the engineers to meet the demand or SLA.

Candidates having a degree in instrumentation engineering are offered some good job opportunities in the electrical, mechanical as well as electronics sector. Additionally, because of the multidisciplinary nature, an instrumentation engineer can also work within or outside the industry.


Some job sites for Automation & Control jobs:!list:(page:1,size:24),query:(),locationquery:(),placeid:()

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