Our Trainers are World Class Experts in Instrumentation, Automation and Control from Pakistan.
COURSE COORDINATOR: Sayyed Muhammad Moazzam
Summary of Experience.
In-depth experience of PLC/ DCS/ SCADA
Commissioned Multiple Projects
Over Fifteen years of I. E. & C. Experience
Top Notch Oil & Gas Experience
Professional Experience
Chief Solutions Architect ATGPA Lahore – Pakistan Apr 2015 – Present DCS/SIS Engineer Chevron Nigeria Nov 2011-Mar 2015 Chief Executive Officer ATGPA Lahore – Pakistan Apr 2006 – Oct 2011 Design and Application Intech Lahore – Pakistan Jul 2002 – Mar Engineer 2006 Systems Software Engineer Microlinx Lahore – Pakistan Apr 2001-Jun 2002
Major Projects
OGDCL (Oil & Gas development corporation Ltd) Qadir Pur: Maintenance & trouble shooting of control system at Pakistan’s second largest Gas processing Facility. Control System consists of approx 4000 IOs. The process control & ESD PLC is Modicon Quantum with Wonderware HMI.
OGDCL Qadir Pur: Design & In house Engineering of NGL Package Control system at Gas processing facility.
SNGPL (Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Ltd, Pakistan): Supply, Design, Engineering & Commissioning of Fire & Gas detection, monitoring and suppression System for 9 pumping stations on country wide pipeline operated by largest gas company of Pakistan. System Consists of Detronix, F&G Controllers along with relay logic based critical control for suppression.
GASCO Ruwais 3rd NGL ABU DHABI: Commissioning services for Yokogawa Safety and Fire and Gas System. System consists of more than 20 Prosafe PLCs configured as rack to rack redundant and associated redundant mulcoms. The GASCO refinery ESD / FGS system contains IOs typical to ESD and Fire and gas systems. The commissioning phase includes installation, pre commissioning, loop test, hardware trouble shooting of prosafe PLC and mulcom hardware, logic/functional testing and startup.
TOMBUA LANDANA OFFSHORE PLATFORM Cabinda Gulf Angola: Commissioning Of Yokogawa Safety, Fire and Gas & DCS System. System consists of about 15 Prosafe RS redundant Controllers. System consists of about 6 redundant FCS. Commissioned SIOS, GSGW, Third party PLCs communication, Third Party, OPC Servers, ExaOPC server, Exaquantum/SER, Exaquantum PIMS Historian, CAMS, SOE server for Prosafe RS, VTS, Exapilot servers.
Chevron Escravos (Gas to liquids): Pre commissioning & commissioning of Yokogawa Safety, Fire and Gas & DCS System. System consists of about 27 Prosafe RS redundant Controllers. System consists of about 34 redundant FCS. Commissioned SIOS, GSGW, Third party PLCs communication, Third, Party OPC Servers, ExaOPC server, Exaquantum/SER, Exaquantum, PIMS Historian, CAMS, SOE server for Prosafe RS.
Senior Engineering & Commissioning Engineer for Automation and Control of small to medium PLC / DCS based PCS, SIS and FGS projects in Oil and Gas industry.
LASMO/OMV Kadanwari Gas Field, Pakistan: Field Survey followed by FEED for shifting of existing dry well head to new well. Total PARCO Oil refinery, Pakistan: Commissioning of Intellution iFix 3.5 for a country wide oil pipe line monitoring application.
Olefin Plant in Petrochemical Zone Bandar Imam, Iran: Commissioning and start up support of Yokogawa CENTUM CS3000 DCS system on behalf of Yokogawa Iberia (Spain) and Yokogawa Middle east for LINDE AG and Amir Kabir Petro chemical company.
Amir Kabir HDP (High Density Petroleum) Plant, Bandar Imam, Iran: Maintenance Site services of Yokogawa CS 3000 DCS System.
Amir Kabir Butene/Butadene Plant, Bandar Imam, Iran: Maintenance Site Services of Yokogawa CS 3000 DCS.
Khuzestan Petro Chemical, Bandar Imam, Iran: Maintenance site services of Yokogawa CS 3000.
Chevron CABGOC Angola: Project team Engineer for the Engineering, Design and implementation of the Control & Instrumentation project for Upgrade of three existing Platforms(East Kokongo, North Ndola and Sounth Sanha). The system consists of Allen Bradley PLC-5/40 PCS & ESD, with Wonderware InTouch HMI.
Chevron Texaco CABGOC Angola: Commissioning/Pre Commissioning for upgrade of control system of three offshore platforms (East Kokongo, North N’dola and South Sanha) for, Intech being Sub Contractor Company of Stolt Offshore. The activities included loop test, control logic modification, Network configurations of Allen Bradley PLC 5 and testing of Fiber optic cables for communications between devices at plant floor and control room.
ChevronTexaco CABGOC Angola: Commissioning of Off Shore Bomboco Well Head platform, Intech being Sub Contractor Company of Stolt Offshore. The activities included Loop testing.
Bomboco Wellhead Platform: Project team Engineer for the Engineering, Design and implementation of the Control & Instrumentation project with Chevron CABGOC Angola. The system consists of AB ControLogix Control System, with Wonderware InTouch HMI for a 15 dual line completion wellheads platform.
Sanha Condensate Project: Project team Engineer (DCS) for the Engineering, Design and implementation with Chevron CABGOC Angola. The system consists of Yokogawa DCS System and Prosafe Safety System.
TengizChevrOil, Kazakhstan: Project team engineer for Well Head control Panel Upgrade project. The activities include system design and engineering.
IHI Marine Unit Japan and Yokogawa Japan / Yokogawa Netherlands: Safety System support on Sanha LPG FPSO made for Cabinda gulf Oil Company, Cabinda Angola. The responsibilities included start up support for the safety System of FPSO during Gas trials/Gas loading which took place in Imabari, Japan. Yokogawa Prosafe PLC is used as safety PLC on Sanha LPG FPSO.
General Motors Central utilities Complex: Team member for development and engineering, Delta Town Ship USA executed by Intech Process Automation. The system consists of Contrologix PLC, Cimplicity Version 6 HMI and InSQL historian.
Amerada Hesse and Modec LLC. in Equatorial Guinea: Team member for development and engineering of two offshore platforms (Okume/Oveng). The PCS and PSS systems comprise of Allen Bradley’s ControLogix PLC and RSVIEW SE 3.20 for HMI, with InSQL as Historian.
OMV Kadanwari natural gas processing plant: FEED (Front end engineering document) for shifting existing multi vendor PLC system to Yokogawa DCS and Honeywell Experience C200 & 300.
Block 0 Cabinda Gulf Angola for Chevron Texaco: Programming of Telemetry data exchange (startup gas) between three platforms (BBLT, South Nemba and GIP Fox).
Sanha FPSO: Yokogawa DCS system Maintenance support at designed and operated by Single buoy Mooring (SBM) and Chevron Texaco, Cabinda, Angola.
Chevron Production and Maintenance Department: Data gathering from all offshore platforms (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Fox, KWIP) and well jackets in Malongo area, Cabinda gulf, Angola into one combined HMI application for Chevron’s Production and maintenance Department.
HMI System developed in Wonder Ware InTouch 9.0. PLC systems in general are PLC5, SLC, ControLogix or Moore APACS and QUADLOG CCMs and in some cases they are Moodbus RTUs linked through Ethernet radios.
HMI System of gas injection: Design and Upgrade (in Malongo) of HMI System of gas injection platform Delta, Malongo, Cabinda, Angola to InTouch 9.0 from InTouch 7.x. The new design now includes Server Rack having redundant IO Servers gathering data from Moore APACS system for process and safety system, One server for alarm and historical data archiving and remote accessibility with future enhancement to switch to InSQL enabled through configuration and one server as Engineering Station having all the applications running in NAD. The system is connected to redundant MBus (Future plan to switch to MNET) and redundant Ethernet configuration for above mentioned servers and 5 Operator station.
Training & Certification
SMAR Foundation Field bus technology, hardware and programming tools by SMAR Brazil. Trained on Yokogawa CS3000 by Intech. Advance level In House Training on Yokogawa Prosafe System & Prosafe RS system (ATG PLANT AUTOMATION) Fully trained on IEC611508 & IEC61511
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Majors Software Engineering) 2001 Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering 2003
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